Chinese medicine TCM in Basel

Chinese medicine TCM in Basel


Praxis für Tuina und Akupressur

Chinese medicine TCM            
Engelgasse 65, 4052 BS
phone  +41613123848    
Pardey Franziska

Movement therapy            
Hutgasse 6, 4001 BS
phone  +41794487645    
Reflex Praxisgemeinschaft

Physical therapy            
Hauptstrasse 85, 4102 Binningen BS
phone  +41614231077    
Gastpar Daniel

Malzgasse 25, 4052 BS
phone  +41616911991    
Zimmermann Ursula

Chinese medicine TCM            
Barfüssergasse 6, 4051 BS
phone  +41792994065    
Gesundheits-Praxis Tuina

Acupuncture (not included in category doctors)            
Belchenstrasse 18, 4054 Basel BS
phone  +41614618574    
Vischer Michael P.

Chinese medicine TCM            
St. Alban-Rheinweg 186, 4052 BS
phone  +41613119462    
Praxis für asiatische Heilkunst

Chinese medicine TCM            
Grenzacherstrasse 10, 4058 BS
phone  +41795059464    
Gesundheitspraxis Christine Suter

Health and sports massage            
Innerer Egliseeweg 102, 4058 BS
phone  +41616831900    

Acupuncture (not included in category doctors)            
Steinenberg 19, 4051 Basel BS
phone  +41612708282    
Tuina Therapie Renate Hürner

Chinese medicine TCM            
Delsbergerallee 38, 4053 BS
phone  +41793587914    
TCM Schule Basel

Acupuncture (not included in category doctors)            
Schauenburgerstrasse 17, 4052 Basel BS
phone  +41767235634    
Bio-Medica Fachschule GmbH

Health and sports massage            
Schweizergasse 33, 4054 Basel BS
phone  +41612837777    41612837777
Akupunktur & TCM Praxis Angela Faust

Acupuncture (not included in category doctors)            
Gerbergasse 16, 4001 Basel BS
phone  +41788892287    
CplusMED GmbH

Acupuncture (not included in category doctors)            
Davidsbodenstrasse 9, 4056 Basel BS
phone  +41613331030    
Lukas Zimmermann

Chinese medicine TCM            
Kohlenberg 29, 4051 BS
phone  +41796715187    
Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin

Acupuncture (not included in category doctors)            
Stänzlergasse 7, 4051 Basel BS
phone  +41612716151    

