Waste disposal and recycling in St. Gallen

Waste disposal and recycling in St. Gallen

St. Gallen

Müller Max AG

Martinsbruggstrasse 98, 9016 Sankt Gallen
phone  +41712825082    
Sareno Handels AG

Human ressources services            
Obere Mühlentreppe 2, 9000 Sankt Gallen
phone  +41712440706    
Der fliegende Hauswart GmbH

Building and property management            
Fahrstrasse 14, 9430 St. Margrethen SG Sankt Gallen
phone  +41794123771    
Sonderabfallsammelstelle St.Gallen

Waste disposal and recycling            
Rechenwaldstrasse 30, 9014 Sankt Gallen
phone  +41712743111    
HIOB Brockenstube

Secondhand goods            
St. Gallerstrasse 1, 9300 Wittenbach Sankt Gallen
phone  +41712983865    
MS Facility Services

Building drying            
Schuppisstrasse 7, 9016 Sankt Gallen
phone  +41712803333    


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